Gen Nex Equipment
Gen Nex Equipment
1. OPG machine for full mouth x ray evaluation (VATECH)
  • They are used to obtain full mouth x-ray, to monitor and assess the health of the teeth and gums.
  • OPGs are used regularly in routine checkups to detect cavities in the teeth, infections, impactions, tumors, TMJ evaluation and fractures.
2. CBCT- to obtain 3D images of the teeth, bones and soft tissue (DENTIUM)
  • It is used to obtain 3D images of the teeth, bones and soft tissue in high details.
  • It allows us to diagnose and arrive at a treatment plan in cases like dental implants and some periapical pathologies.
3. RVG- Radiovisiography for specific area visualization (VATECH)
  • It is used for visualization of specific areas with high quality image.
  • Used to obtain accurate view and length of the canals during root canal treatments.
4. Intraoral camera
  • They have the ability to capture clear images and videos during the screening procedure.
  • Images can be viewed on screen for better patient understanding and makes patient education easier.
5. Intraoral scanner (MEDIT i500)
  • Recent advancement for full mouth scanning to acquire 3D images.
  • It is useful during aligner treatment, orthodontic evaluation.
  • The scan is stored for future reference.
  • Provides an alternative for conventional impression technique.
  • It is painless and more comfortable than conventional methods.
  • It reduces bleeding and infection.
  • It promotes faster healing of the tissues.
7. Centrifuge machine (REMI MEDICO PLUS)
  • It is used during implant surgeries and regenerative procedures to create materials like PRF( platelet rich fibrin).
  • PRF obtained after processing the patient's blood has growth factors which helps in healing and regeneration of tissues.
8. Zoom teeth whitening system (PHILIPS ZOOM)
  • With zoom, teeth whitening can be done in less time.
  • It has a gentle yet effective formula.
  • Improves luster and reduce sensitivity associated with the procedure post whitening.
  • We use this revolutionary device for inactivation of corona virus.
  • It gives protection in enclosed spaces and has high disinfection efficiency against viruses.
10. 3M Monophasic impression material and dispense
  • It is used for effective impressions everytime.
  • It captures small details and deliver accurate impressions.
11. GC Capsulated delivery system
  • It is a quick,safe and reliable form of dispensing.
  • It is a versatile material and has a broad spectrum of uses in restorative and pediatric dentistry.
12. Durr- Cutting edge dental compressor
  • We use the high performance dental compressors.
  • They are oil free and quiet in contrast to other ordinary co mpressors.
13. High end chairs- DENTIUM CHAIR
  • We are the first in India to get dentium chairs.
  • These high end chairs increase patient comfort and provides efficient working position for doctor’s.
14. Air purifier
  • Risks are reduced by minimizing the number of viruses and bacteria.
  • Improves air quality and helps in prevention of airborne diseases.
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